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References from Lean-in participants
Lean-in participant voices

Here are some references from people who have participated in our workshops:

For me, CoResolve is not only a profound method for “conflict resolution and decision making” but much more! It is based, among other things, on quantum field theory and fascinates me with its multidimensionality. From the outside, it seems rather simple in its formats and steps, but what unfolds in the group processes almost blew me away last year when I was able to experience the method for the first time! This method has an incredibly large space for development in which everything moves, rubs together, comes to rest and something new emerges completely unexpectedly... Creative group processes... the magic of creation... There are many parallels to Theory U, like me I think that doesn't surprise me, because both CoResolve and Theory U are about creating new solutions in a shared process - with an open mind, an open heart and an open will. There's so much beauty in there...
Dear Christiane, thank you very much for putting yourself so uncompromisingly into the service of this cause. I admire how you accompany us through these processes with clarity, benevolence and consistency. Like the North Star, You give travelers guidance so that they can sail the seas and traverse the wilderness. And with – now I have to quote Brené Brown or Joan Halifax – “strong back, soft front, and wild heart”! Thank you!
Astrid Kuchenbecker, participant CoResolve, Lean-in

Astrid Kuchenbecker,

Consultant, Facilitator & Coach 

Claudia Gehrlein, participant CoResolve, Lean-in

Claudia Gehrlein, independent coach and consultant, yoga teacher

"Last week I was able to attend the Co-Resolve workshop. The workshop still resonates with me and I am grateful for this experience. On the one hand, because this time has enriched me again in my own development, even if the honest look behind one's own resistances and patterns is not an easy one. On the other hand, because it gave me valuable insights and tools to accompany team development processes and leadership coaching more deeply. What moves me most at the moment from the two days:

* Neutrality and compassion are metaskills that are essential in the leadership role
* Learn to recognize your own resistances and those of your team
* Take pleasure in bringing the unconscious to the surface
* Conflict matters
* The opinion of the minority is the gateway to wisdom
* Allow all points of view, look for the no and create security
* LaJhggHEdq5yKkPJdBXLMoAubyHwAB4ttD

Co-Resolve is a valuable leadership method for interpreting resistance and making decisions together. I look forward to using the tools."

Gesa Birnkraut, participant CoResolve, Lean-in

The Deep Democracy method is a wonderful tool for moderating discussions and conversations in a corporate context - I particularly liked giving the "no" a voice. Christiane Leiste is a highly competent trainer who dares to go new and unusual ways with the participants again and again. This makes the seminar an experience!"

Prof. Dr. Gesa Birnkraut, Management Birnkraut und Partner, Arts+Business Consultants

"As part of our Leadership Journey, Christiane trained our leaders. "Think out of the box" was the introduction! Allowing the minority to have their say, consciously putting ourselves in the other perspective and then finding a jointly supported solution; we trained and experienced all of this and are now putting it into practice, into working together. 
Our goal is to promote diversity in our teams. In addition to gender, age, origin, and inclusion, it naturally also means gathering all opinions, listening to quiet voices, and making use of the diversity of our employees. Our CoResolve trainings have brought us a great deal closer to this goal.
Thank you, dear Christiane, for your enthusiasm and skill! You inspired us and helped us to develop our culture!"

Heidemarie Dobner, Reference Leadership Journey Lean-in

Heidemarie Dobner, Globart Think Tank for Future Issues, Vienna

Frank Peter Helmus, reference team training Lean-in

"The results of the team training with Christiane Leiste were overwhelmingly positive:
The culture of conversation improved abruptly. The basic mood became much more positive. Conflicts were dealt with so that a "new beginning" was possible. I can unreservedly recommend the method and Ms. Leiste. In a very short time, she achieved much more than I had achieved in years of hard work. 
Efforts with time-honored methods."

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Peter Helmus

Katrin Schnitker, reference Lean-in

"The CoResolve method according to the Deep Democracy paradigm is ideally suited to be used especially for strategic and thus complex participative business decisions in the context of agile management due to the mindset and process flow behind it. It can be applied flexibly in smaller teams, but also in large open space processes and is thus useful for various circumstances of agile leadership. Mrs. Christiane Leiste is the consultant and trainer in Germany for this method. Due to her broad operational experience, the training is also really fun, as she can ensure high practical relevance."

Prof. Dr. Karin Schnitker Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, Consultant for Agile Strategy and Organizational Development

Johannes Narbeshuber, participant CoResolve Workshop Lean-in

"I was deeply impressed and enriched by Christiane Leiste's seminar on CoResolve.
For me, the approach is a valuable element for mindful, powerful and, in the best sense, wise decisions in the team. Christiane's fresh, present manner made the whole thing fun on top of that."

Johannes Narbeshuber, 

Managing Director Trigon Entwicklungsberatung, Salzburg

Thomas Unruh, reference CoResolve Lean-in

"The CoResolve workshop was inspiring and professionally designed and offered many new aspects and approaches even for experienced "conflict managers". The method is very well suited for dealing with conflicts in governing bodies and colleges in schools or other educational institutions, for example."

Thomas Unruh,

Head of Main Seminar LI-Hamburg (ret.) and Senior Expert

Beate Götzel, EON, HR,

Head of “2we develop People”

Beate Götzel, reference Lean-in

My co-workers attended a CoResolve course by Christiane Leiste and came back completely inspired. They were inspired by the very great people in the group and the experiences from this weekend were indeed very formative and lasting.

At the very next team meeting, Julia and Leonie presented the innovative forms of teamwork that they had learned and suggested that we apply them in the future to improve our team communication.  The two of them also succeeded wonderfully. I couldn't have asked for a better investment.

Contact Lean-in

Christiane Leiste / Andreas Bertram

Birrenkovenallee 13

22143 Hamburg


© 2023 Lean-in GmbH  

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